About us

Hello! I’m Mehmet Reha Ozturk. I take great pleasure in combining Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) technologies with current topics such as data science, machine learning, and data engineering. My experience in geospatial technologies and passion for DataOps have enabled me to gain diverse experiences, making me a curious data engineer who strives for continuous improvement every day.

My Skills:
Software: ArcGIS Pro, AGOL (ArcGIS Online), QGIS, Google Earth Engine
Programming Languages: Python
Database Systems: PostgreSQL
Version Control: Git/Github
Container Systems: Docker
Big Data & Streaming Data Frameworks: Apache Spark, Apache Kafka

Ongoing Learning:
Big Data: Apache Ecosystems (Hadoop, Yarn, Airflow, MapReduce, Hive, Flink, Sqoop)
NoSQL: MongoDB, Cassandra, and Elasticsearch/Kibana
Operations Systems: Advanced Linux
Orchestration Systems: Kubernetes
Deep Learning Libraries: TensorFlow and Keras

Bootcamps I’ve Participated In:

  • Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp organized by Miuul
  • Google Cloud Engineer Bootcamp organized by the Istanbul Data Science Academy
  • Data Engineer Bootcamp organized by the Veri Bilimi Okulu
  • Machine Learning Operations Bootcamp by the Veri Bilimi Okulu

If you have any further questions or if there’s anything else I can help you with, feel free to ask!

Mehmet Reha Ozturk